Sunday, October 22, 2006

size matters...but not how you think...

It was a blast finishing up The Call series. The baptisms were amazing…over 60 people wanting to shout their response to The Call. Along with making the mosaics (holy artwork...), it was a great chaotic weekend.

I wish I would have had more time to unpack the evolutionary process of God’s call. I wanted to spend more time talking about how surrendered obedience is usually done in very small steps. I remember when the little book Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff came out; I wondered if it was actually just the opposite: go ahead and sweat the Small Stuff…because the Big Stuff is usually way out of your control anyway.

I think we all want the long touchdown pass or the grand slam at the bottom of the ninth. But moving the ball ten yards at a time or advancing the base runner will do the job just fine.

As Jesus put it: “Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be faithful in large ones. (Luke 16:10a New Living Translation). The small things are incredibly important.

Think of these Bible stories: the widow’s two small copper coins…a little boy’s two small fish…faith as small as a mustard seed…the small gate and the narrow road. Or as God spoke to the prophet Zechariah: “The people should not think that small beginnings are unimportant.” (Zechariah 4:10a New Century Version)

It's small things done with great love.


  1. Dave,

    I agree with the importance of the "small stuff". I used to really feel guilty and anxious about makingi sure I was "doing enough for God". On one hand, I was scared God was going to call me to be a missionary in Africn and sell everything I have to move there. On the other hand, I knew that was not something I wanted to do or felt equipped for. I've finally realized, that for me, anyway, I am in the place God wants me to be and I do the best I can daily to make an impact for Him. I never know how large even the smallest thing I do might be in a person's life. As I reflect back over the years. It's the small moments that made a great impact in my life. So, I trust now that the small things I do make a great impact in the lives around me.

    I think The Call was a great series. But, for me, I kind of feel like I'm already on the path. So, it was more of a reminder for me than a big "ah-ha" moment.


  2. I agree with you. I think it is easier to prep yourself for the big moments and blow right past the small ones.

    I know for me doing the small things often are the pieces of tile for the bigger things. Kinda like the mosaic. All the small things when you step back and look actually make up the big picture.

  3. Dave,

    Your sports comparison was right on the money for me. Not everyone can ‘throw the long ball’. You do what you are equipped to do…… and sometimes , by the grace of God, you may connect just right and ‘hit one out of the park’ or in my case get hit by the pitch and walk in the winning run!

  4. Dave,
    Thanks for writing down what you wish you had said. I loved this series and got a ton out of it, but actually your blog post was probably the most important thing for me... being hit over the head with the fact that it is not going to happen all at once... a true "duh" moment for me.
    I blogged about it here if you want to read.
    Thanks again,

  5. Dave;
    Your book was so timely in my life. And I love the teamwork that it displays with multi-authorship. Each week, the illustrated messages spoke volumes to me. I had just told a friend that I felt as if my dreams and visions were dead, and then walked into church one sunday morning and you asked "what was your dream as a child?" I realized that I was living my childhood dream, but thought it should have been something more.

    My husband and I just returned from Hawaii, and we traveled the Road to Hana in Maui, but only made it halfway to Hana before having to turn around to go back. I felt as if I missed something, but when I returned back to the ship, someone asked me what we did that day. I told her that we went halfway to Hana. She said to me "The Road to Hana is about the journey, not the destination. There isn't anything in Hana, it's about the road".

    How many times in life are we in a hurry to get to "the destination" and miss the journey, the road?

    Thanks for your book (I think I bought 15 of those 4,000 copies sold) and for the sunday messages.


  6. Dave,

    Most of my life I’ve looked at the big picture, and like Jen’s comment I have always felt overwhelmed and felt inadequate. I wanted to be someone that I wasn’t. I wanted to be more like Jesus and after trying and failing most times I practically gave up trying. Eventually as life kicked me around I asked our Dad to show me how to love Him and others. I had decided to strip away all the things I was failing at and focus only on loving Him and others starting with my ex-wife then my family. As He began to change my heart I was able to move on to forgiveness. I’m giving general terms here. I took me awhile to learn to love others and to understand how I could love Him. It is the journey and not the destination. One day at a time, moment at a time.

    God bless,

  7. Hi Dave,

    Another great post.

    You know, it's funny (in a not so funny sorta way) how we all want to throw the touchdown pass... to do the really big things.

    It's like Rick Warren writes: There are lots of people who are willing to do the exciting, extraordinary (great) things, but there are only a small number of people willing to do the basic, boring (ordinary) little things that need to be done.

    And that's exactly what is so funny.

    It is usually those big, awesome things that scare us to death. That paralyze us with fear.

    So what do we do? Nothing.

    And why? Why do we do nothing... I think it's because the ordinary things just aren't extraordinary. They are "just little things".

    And that is where I usually go wrong. I forget that it is God who makes the little, ordinary things I do extraordinary.

    I gotta remember that... maybe we should write that "small things done with great love can change the world" thing down somewhere. Hahahaha.


  8. Dave,

    I really enjoyed The Call series you taught. I wish it could have went on longer.

    It was a great honkin' message.

    - Dan
